We ask that you please be mindful of the stores and merchants you are adding to your wishlist from! Unless the item is damaged or is the incorrect item as confirmed from the order confirmations, we cannot return these gifts. Make sure that the items you add to your list are items you truly want.
Tips to protect yourself from poor quality items:
Only add items from trusted merchants and stores. While it may seem like an amazing deal to get headphones or cosplay outfits for even hundreds less than they would be elsewhere–the item may not be of good quality. You often get what you pay for.
Check user reviews! Be cautious if an item or merchant has only 5-star reviews without user images. TrustPilot is a good place to look at reviews of a Merchant! If a lot of people are mentioning quality issues or shipping delays, consider not using this merchant.
Be careful using third-party sellers on trusted sites like Amazon. Often these are safe, but sometimes things do slip through.